Abnormality: Crooked

Effect: Celebrity writers have often tried to make forced literary hay out of some cosmic correlation between the damaged, warped, off-kilter nature of the characters that Owen Wilson has made himself famous for playing and the damaged, warped, off-kilter nature of his twisted, oft-broken nose, but the cold fact of the matter is that this is just one jacked-up nose.
It's tough to look at the fellow without your eyes being inextricably drawn to the nearly comically deformed schnozz that drunkenly rules over the center of the man's face, but still he regularly appears on lists of Hollywood's most handsome leading men, leading us to believe that there's something about it that sets off his otherwise attractive features in a positive way. And man, is he lucky for that, as the same nose on a less attractive face would surely put a poor fellow in Gollum-like territory.